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日期:2023/07/24 11:01作者:佚名人气:











AC Milan: Who Partners with Nesta?

Since joining AC Milan, Nesta's performances have been remarkable. As an outstanding center-back, he has shown unparalleled defensive skills and leadership. However, over time, his partner has also become a focus of attention for fans. So, who exactly is AC Milan's partner for Nesta?

Firstly, we cannot overlook Carlo Ancelotti. As an experienced football coach, Ancelotti has rich experience and unique insights into the construction of the team's tactical system. He attaches great importance to defensive stability and is well aware of Nesta's defensive abilities. Therefore, during his tenure, Ancelotti chose to emphasize a solid defense by partnering Nesta with Filippo Inzaghi, ensuring a more solid defense for the team.


Secondly, we must mention Marco Materazzi. This Italian international was once an important player for AC Milan and received wide recognition for his performances. Materazzi and Nesta had a seamless partnership on the field, complementing each other's weaknesses and coordinating well together. Their understanding and cooperation won many important matches for AC Milan and provided a solid support for the team's defense.

Lastly, we cannot ignore Alessio Romagnoli. As one of the greatest center-backs in AC Milan's history, Romagnoli exhibited incredible chemistry with Nesta. Their partnership was so natural that they supported each other both on the ground and in aerial duels, achieving outstanding results. The defensive line formed by the two of them made AC Milan one of the strongest defensive teams in Serie A.

In conclusion, Nesta's partners at AC Milan include Carlo Ancelotti, Marco Materazzi, and Alessio Romagnoli. These players have demonstrated excellent chemistry and coordination with Nesta, injecting formidable strength into the team's defense. Their presence has made AC Milan an unstoppable force and led to numerous honors.

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